The cheeriest shop in Market Street has to be the
Boutique : Chapeau de fête. Iris, the store owner,
advertises in the Coneberry Chronicle with the
catching sentence : We have a hat for every party !
And it is true. She has so many hats in her store
that she stopped to count them a long time ago.
She spends her evenings designing new hats and
puts every single one together herself. Two nights
a week, her sister comes to help her with this and
they have the best of times together.
Check this out :
4 opmerkingen:
superbe maison !!!!!
ooooh I am enchanted, your story and your house are marvelous!!! Love it!
What a beautiful house!!!
très jolie maison, j'aime beaucoup ton interprétation comme les chapeaux sur l'étagère, merci de ta participation.
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