Goal for 2014 : Craft a hole in my stash !

vrijdag 23 juli 2010

Nijmegen Four Days Marches 2010, day 4

Our fourth and last marching day for this Vierdaagse
started cold and misty. It was so beautiful that everyone
was really enjoying the sights.

After about three hours the mist had to give way to the
rising sun and we were treated to a walking day with
superb temperature, little wind and best of all : no rain !

This year is the first year we managed to walk in our
walking shorts and skirts all the way and we never
needed to use our rain clothes, and that was a treat.

Like every Vierdaagse we had a lot of fun even though
everyone is very sore and tired at the end of it. It is all
about pushing yourself and resetting your limits.
We will see you next year, Nijmegen !

3 opmerkingen:

Gez Butterworth zei

Many Congratulations. Hope you had a fun day.XXX

Catharina Maria zei

Van harte gefeliciteerd vanuit Best voor het behalen van de eindstreep !
Neem ik aan want er is nog niets te zien of te lezen over deze dag ;o)
Lieve groet voor jullie alle vier .

Gina zei

I'm so thrilled for you and your mum, what lovely memories for the future. I don't know what the Four Day Marches is about, but it looks very important so I'm glad the weather held for you :D XXX